April 20th: The Williams are inviting the whole church to their house to eat some pancakes and enjoy community on Saturday April 20th. Bring your family and invite anyone! Feel free to bring nothing. If you want to, bring something to share, but it’s not a requirement. Doors open at 9AM.
April 30th: Both of our Gospel Community Groups will meet together on April 30th at 6pm for dinner and fellowship! We will meet at the Andersen’s home in Cottage Grove. Check with your group leader if you need the address. Meal specifics to be determined.
May 4th: The Bible is technically God’s story. We understand who God is and what He is doing through the Bible. We also understand how to live as Christians and share the gospel by knowing the grand story of the Bible. Come learn the whole story of the Bible in two hours through story form and discussion. Save the date on your calendars- May 4th from 9:00 AM – 11:30 AM at the Williams home. Childcare provided. Plan to come a little earlier to get started on time at 9 AM. Looking forward to seeing you there.
June 13-15: We are going camping! This summer we will be taking our 3rd annual RHC camping trip. It will be June 13-15 at St. Croix Bluffs Regional Park. The campground is about 30 minutes away and located a little south of Cottage Grove. These trips have been a great way to grow closer together and we would love to have you come. If camping isn’t your thing, just come on Friday to hang out, swim, and eat with us! The cost for a campsite is $68 and we will plan on doing most of our meals together. If you’d like to sign up click here!